Who we are, our experience
Line UP Back&FrontEnd Production - is an international company. We work with customers from the European Union, USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine. For Western customers, we we do application development, internet - shops, social networks and corporate sites. We work on the territory of Russia and Ukraine exclusively with 1C Bitrix, niche Internet shops.
We have been working since 2014.
We are certified partners “1С Bitrix” и “Bitrix24” . Участники “Quality monitoring programs implementations” .
What is a Quality Monitoring Program implementations?

Creating websites for our clients, we always We pay much attention to the quality of our work. Bitrix also helps its customers and partners to create good solutions and make quality products.
After we have made your site, we We pass internal tests to make sure that the site is made qualitatively according to the standards Bitrix. After that, the test results sent to 1C Bitrix. Then in an employee recruits you within 5 days Bitrix also conducts a survey. On the Based on your answers, we are assigned rating, internal points are awarded or remarks are made, fines are introduced.
Because we make quality products and very attentive to the needs our clients, for us participation in the program is important and a priority. And for customers is an additional lever of control behind our work.
How we work with your project
Each project involved:
1C Bitrix programmer
Frontend programmer
DevOps engineer
Web Designer
Project manager
SEO Specialist
Integrator 1C / My Warehouse (if integration required)
One 1C Bitrix programmer is assigned to project. The rest of the employees are recruited as needed.
After signing the contract, we create a project in Trello. We already have templates for typical tasks and also the order is formed their implementation. Members receive a list tasks and develop their action plans.
We have organized the work so that everyone specialists could start work at the same time without interfering with each other.
The management methods we use for development
This method allows you to organize work on project at the same time to any number specialists. However, no one can ruin each other's work. Each added line of code or setting component is logged. We know who, when and what fragment made.
Code and settings are filled in small portions every day. And only after verification code is uploaded to the main server automatically. Thus we can work quickly and in an organized manner.
Programming through testing
This avoids minor inconveniences. bugs, which then delay the start of the project. How it works? You give us a task, we first we write a list of tests and based on this list we form the task. See example below:
The design of the form and button is adapted to all devices
Product, name and price are added to the form
"Thank you" message is shown immediately after form submission
The order comes in the mail. It contains: phone, product name and price
When you hover over the button, the standard hover effect
I did the final test, everything works according to checklist
@designerDesign in Figma. Transfer to manager approval.
@managerCoordinate the design with the customer and transfer to production.
@project_managerOrganize work and conduct tests number 1 - 5 upon completion.Check items and unsubscribe at comments to the tester.
@testerDesign in Figma. Transfer to manager approval.
There are 4 main reasons why projects drag on longer than expected. Here they are:
Content for filling comes at the end of the project.We resolve this issue in advance!In the process of negotiations, we find out from the customer the availability content, pre-watch it, determine the format (XML/Excel/1C/MySklad), completeness. If there is content, then immediately after signing the contract, we ask him provide and start downloading. This allows us to at the start, identify all problem areas and in the process development to eliminate them before we get to final task
Design of banners and seemingly “insignificant” elements postponed until later.We resolve this issue in advance!When preparing the TOR, we immediately determine what tasks require design. We ask the customer for information to banners. And from the first day we begin to do work on design, because design approval can take a very long time. And experience shows that, as a rule, due to banners dragged by the robot. Therefore, to avoid delay, we stipulate clear conditions for banners with customer and immediately start their development
Integrations are postponed until the end.We resolve this issue in advance!When preparing the TOR, we immediately determine the tasks for integration. We start doing these tasks right after organization of work, as in the process of testing there are always some nuances that need to be eliminate. Even standard integration can bring surprise in the form of the need to add some code on server. Therefore, in order to meet the deadline, integration and We start testing these systems right away. Here include integration with 1C/My Warehouse, acquiring, delivery.
Plugin settings or complex solution programming left for the end.We resolve this issue in advance!When preparing technical specifications, we immediately determine non-standard or heavy tasks. We start doing these tasks right after organization of work, as in the process of testing there are always some nuances that need to be eliminate. This may include the distribution of people according to groups upon registration, multilingualism with automatic translation, a special way of sorting and etc.